Top 100 Innovation Win for PSI Logistics
1st July 2019
PSI Logistics GmbH has once again been honoured as innovation leader in the TOP 100 innovation competition, among companies in the German SME sector. The jury was convinced by its “special innovative power and above-average innovation success”.
The software developers were nominated for the award by Yasmin Balibasa, economic adviser of the PSI location Aschaffenburg. Based on a scientific system, the jury evaluated under the direction of the Vienna Science Professor Dr. Nikolaus Franke the innovation management of around 4,000 companies.
In the independent selection process, PSI Logistics convinced with its outstanding innovation climate and the resulting innovation successes for example the integration of methods and processes of Artificial Intelligence (AI). “However, neural networks have only been hyper sized more or less within the past two years,” explains Dr. Giovanni Prestifilippo, Managing Director of PSI Logistics. “But, our applications are based on more than 30 years of concrete experience.” For the implementation process, PSI combines agile working methods with classic project management. Managing Director Sascha Tepuric substantiates “Our maxim is: we leave the better solution first – before the faster one”.
For the second time since 2016, PSI Logistics has succeeded in making the leap into the innovation elite of German SMEs. Overall, the software company will be honored for the seventh time in the past two years for its development and innovation capabilities. “The result of continuous work on numerous market-relevant levels”, states Dr. Prestifilippo. “With the new award we see ourselves confirmed in our sustainable development work.”
Based on its own software products, the PSI Group develops and integrates complete solutions for optimizing the flow of energy and materials for utilities (energy networks, energy trading, public transport) and industry (mining, metals production, automotive, mechanical engineering, logistics). PSI was founded in 1969 and employs more than 1.900 persons worldwide.